2016년 6월 5일 일요일

클라우드 보안 표준

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클라우드 보안 표준
Cloud Security Standards:
What to Expect & What to Negotiate

클라우드 컴퓨팅 보안 : 성공을 보장하는 10 단계
Security for Cloud Computing: 10 Steps to Ensure Success”

1. Ensure effective governance, risk and compliance processes exist

2. Audit operational and business processes

3. Manage people, roles and identities

4. Ensure proper protection of data and information

5. Enforce privacy policies

6. Assess the security provisions for cloud applications
7. Ensure cloud networks and connections are secure

8. Evaluate security controls on physical infrastructure and facilities

9. Manage security terms in the cloud SLA

10. Understand the security requirements of the exit process

[첨부파일] Cloud Security Standards: What to Expect & What to Negotiate

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